NHMEP will be in Keene on May 13, 2022 from 8AM-4PM teaching the Principles of Lean at Filtrine Manufacturing Company (15 Kit St., Keene). This has been a very popular class for Keene-area manufacturers and we're hoping the strong interest continues. When more companies participate, the program becomes more affordable for everyone. Sign up here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ej1uiktaeacd05b3&oseq=&c=&ch=
Principles of Lean Manufacturing
Quickly Learn how to Apply Lean Methods by Participating in a Hands-on Factory Simulation
This event is an accelerated learning workshop that conveys the benefits of using Lean in a make-to-stock production environment to achieve breakthrough business performance. Key deliverables include:
Understand how Lean methods can simultaneously reduce total lead time and operational costs while improving service and quality
Understand the business case for enterprise-wide improvement as a way to profitably meet rising customer expectations in a globally competitive market.
Workshop Overview
Participants are empowered with an understanding of Lean concepts through a series of interactive presentations and team activities. The concepts are then applied in a live simulation that models a realistic factory characterized by high volume assembly line operations. The hands-on format delivers a number of key “ah ha!” insights that are difficult to acquire through traditional learning methods.
Participants work together to build and deliver products via their roles in the simulation. The initial “business as usual” scenario includes high inventory levels, long manufacturing cycle times, poor quality, an inaccurate forecast and long travel distances between operations, all of which contribute to late customer deliveries.
Participants are challenged to improve the scenario by implementing Lean methods. Teams implement improvements by physically manipulating the simulation which reinforces the group’s real-time team building and problem-solving skills. Data that is collected during and after each simulation round is entered into a scoreboard application which graphically displays operational and financial performance results. Through a progression of simulation rounds, participants achieve order of magnitude improvements to the scenario:
Reduced total lead time
Increased throughput
Improved on-time delivery
Reduced variation
Improved product quality
Reduced operational expenses
Increased productivity
Increased available capacity
Key Benefits
This simulation is designed to empower employees with the fundamental concepts of Lean
Employees quickly acquire and apply the skills they need to achieve bottom line results.
Target Audience: Managers and staff
Number of Participants: 18 – 20
Time Required: 8 Hours
We'd like to send a couple of our team members for training. Any idea on cost yet?